Sunday, 19 February 2017

#Who is your #fall #back?

Who is your fallback!

People help you the way they know to help you. To help you to come out of stress, one friend will ask you to drink and another will ask you to meditate.
To overcome hurt, one friend will ask you to take revenge and get even, and another will ask you to forgive and get ahead with your life.

'Who is your fallback' makes all the difference.

Duryodhana's predicament, in his own words, was, "I know what is right but I am not able to indulge in it. I know what is wrong but I am not able to avoid it." He needed a fallback. His fallback was his uncle Saguni, and resultantly, Duryodhana moved from bad to worse.

Arjuna's predicament was different. He was allowing his personal emotions to dominate his sense of duty, and hence wanted to escape from the responsibilities he had towards upholding righteousness. He needed a fallback. His fallback was Krishna, and resultantly, Arjuna was restored to his greatness. Humans we are, at some point or the other, we all need a fallback.

'Who is your fallback' makes all the difference.