Sunday, 14 November 2021

#Great #person

*What Is A Great Person?*

"The obstacles we face is our mental barrier which can be broken by adopting more positive approach"

What is a great person? This is a question asked by us to our mentors whom we follow. Here is the definition of a great person.

I feel that a great person is a person of integrity and values that he or she will never compromise. He or she is a great family man or woman who puts their family first and would protect them with their own life.

A great person is willing to help anyone that needs it. Come torrential downpours or Nor'easter snowstorms, they are there when called. Always helping and never hurting.

A great person is respectful of other people's feelings and needs, but holds his or her position highly and never retreats from negative situations, but only stays in them to make peace.

A great person will allow nothing to stand in his or her way of doing the right thing by everyone and will always admit wrong with an apology.

A great person is a father or mother who will sacrifice, whatever needs sacrificing, to do what is best for their children. They realize that children are our future and our future is in their hands.

A great person is a person who never hurts anyone's feelings intentionally and if they do it unknowingly, will humbly apologize, put out the fire and then work it out.

A great person will always be on time and never late. Frequent tardiness to an appointment or anything that has a structured time frame is unacceptable, and if it does happen, offer that apology and never let it happen again.

A great person is a provider... A provider to their family and the foundation on which the family lies. He or she never will let cracks form in their foundation and compromise the structural integrity of it.

A great person is a giver, and not a taker... A forgiver and not a resentment holder... A peacemaker and not a fighter.

A great person is a teacher, a fireman, a policeman, a nurse, a soldier, a volunteer, a case worker or a dss worker, or many more occupations of helping people.

A great person is a person that fails time after time while doing their best and never, ever quits because when they quit, part of them dies when they quit.

A great person will always put the needs of others in front of their own. Always being kind and never showing anger.

A great person has dreams and goals and never let's other people's negativity get in their way of pursuing them.

I guess these are the best examples I can think of what makes a great person, great...

I am not a great person but have a question for you my friend and everyone else reading this....

*Are you a great person???*



Tuesday, 28 September 2021

#Truth of #life

*Truth of life*
I had a dream and God appeared before me and asked me "What do you want?"

I requested him "Give me back what all that I have lost in my life."

"What are the things you have lost" asked God.

"I have lost a dear friend, more than a brother for me recently. I have lost so many precious things and I can't explain them so easily.

Over the period of time I lost my youth and became old.

I Lost my beauty and figure.

As I aged, I lost my health.

I can't say specifically since I have lost innumerable things. Please give me back all that I have lost."

God simply laughed.

"You lost your ignorance because of your education.
You lost your poverty because of your work.
You lost loneliness because of many relationships and friends.
Because of your good qualities you lost many enemies.
Like this there are so many things you have lost .
Should I tell you and make you count all those items too.
Shall I give you back all these and many more things you have lost too" asked God.

I understood the other side of losing things and the fact that why we lose some things and the need to lose them.

And then he explained to me,
"Nothing you love is lost.
Not really, Things , people .. they always go away , sooner or later.
You can't hold them, any more than you can hold moonlight .
But if they've touched you,
if they're inside you , then they're still yours .
The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart."

Keep your loved ones in your heart and they will stay forever, never to be lost.

God disappeared, my dream ended and my heart became light after realising this truth of life.



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Tuesday, 14 September 2021



What never comes from the good times, easy situations, convenient cakewalk projects?


What makes people look forward to the most ambitious/life-threatening projects, with a smile on their lips?


What makes people go for goals that are extremely difficult but certainly remarkable and 'worth it.


What gives maximum momentum when goals and means are out of sight and out of reach?


'Trust creates THRUST'. Without trust, life is difficult and slow. With trust, even the most arduous journey looks worth it.

Seth Godin writes, 'We trust people because they showed up when it wasn't convenient, because they told the truth when it was easier to lie and because they kept a promise when they could have gotten away with breaking it.'

We trust people when VALUES defeat greed.

We trust people for whom 'doing the RIGHT' is more important than 'doing what is convenient.

We trust people when we see, hear and experience their stories of COURAGE.

We trust people when they did what others believed was impossible.

We trust ourselves when we 'go on' instead of 'give up.

We trust ourselves when we are 'just'.

We trust ourselves when we give our 100% plus a little more.

We trust ourselves when we 'fight for the right' and not look the other way.

We trust ourselves when we consistently push the bar 'a little' higher.

We trust ourselves when we assume responsibility for our choices.

People trusting us and we trusting ourselves is equally important. Both are necessary. Both are boundless sources of strength.

Trust cannot be demanded. Trust cannot be bequeathed. Trust HAS TO BE earned.

Every tough time, every difficult project, every challenging situation, every bounce back, every person who needs help, is an opportunity to earn trust.

Go on and earn the trust of someone you deeply care about.

Go on and earn the trust of the relationship you want to develop.

Go on and earn your own trust without which you are a spiritual orphan.

Big Resource + No Trust ------- Starts rich, lives poor.

Big Resource + Full Trust ------- Starts rich, lives rich, becomes richer.

No Resource + Full Trust ------ Starts poor, becomes rich, lives richer.

So, no matter where you start with resources, you must live with full trust, always.

I have learned to look at life through lenses that reads, 'Yet another opportunity to build trust'. After all, true wealth is the 'trust' people 'rightly' have in me.

That is the ultimate test of a life well-lived.
And yes, whatever happens, please never break anyone's trust.

Whatever you will get in return, will not be worth it. Do you agree with me?

Change your thoughts. Change your life



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Friday, 3 September 2021



Paryushan is a time for self-analysis and soul searching. Paryushan provides a break from routine life and allows us to reflect and contemplate on our past conduct, in the light of the teachings of Jainism and make a determination to lead a spiritually cleaner life in the future.



Wednesday, 25 August 2021



A student was one day taking a walk with a professor.
As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work.

The student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them."

"My young friend," answered the professor, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor.

But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of the poor man.
Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery affects him."

The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.

The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin.

Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance. He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again.

He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen.

He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.

His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom the timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing.

The student stood there deeply moved and affected, and his eyes filled with tears.

"Now," said the professor, "are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"

The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget.

I feel now the truth of those words, which I never understood before:

*'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'*

Give and stay blessed forever.



Tuesday, 3 August 2021

#Let go

*For A Prosperous Life, Sometimes You Have To Let Go*

*Let Go*

Let go of those who don't care about you.

Let go of those who don't like you.

Let go of those who are jealous of you.

All of those who are pretentious and malicious, let go them.

Let go of those who betray you.

Those who tittle-tattle on you, please let go them.

Let go of those who are utilizing you for their own rationale and aspiration.

Let go of those who hurt you.

Let go of those who procrastinate your epoch and efforts.

Those who don't cherish you, just let go them.

Let go of everybody who is delectating you because you don't belong together.

Let go of all the stresses and devastations.

Let go of all the insults and underestimations.

Let go of all your enemies.

Let go of those who are insignificant and contributing unenthusiastically in your life.

Let go of those who edify your criminal deeds.

Those who utilize drugs, please let go them.

Let go of those who are addicted to alcohol.

Let go of those who cheat you.

Let go of those who pretend to be tidy and pleasant.

All who are uncooperative, let go them.

Let go of all your tribulations.

Let go of all your grievances.

Please, just let go.


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Monday, 19 July 2021

*What would you like your Obituary to read

*What would you like your Obituary to read*

Can you imagine reading your own obituary in the newspaper?

What would people say about you?

Alfred Nobel got the chance to read his own death notice, and he didn't like what he saw.

Alfred Nobel was a very wealthy and successful man. He had become an expert in chemistry and invented three of the most commonly used explosives in the world - dynamite, gelignite (used in mining) and ballistite, which is still used as a rocket propellant today.

With the huge fortune he made from these inventions, Nobel bought an engineering company called Bofors and turned it into an arms manufacturer. He made another enormous fortune designing cannons and guns and selling them around the world.

Then, in 1888, Alfred's brother died while visiting France.

A French newspaper thought it was Alfred who had died and they published an obituary that began like this: THE MERCHANT OF DEATH IS DEAD. Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday….

Alfred Nobel was shocked. Was this what people thought of him? Was this the legacy he would leave to the world?

That's when he decided to use his vast wealth to make a positive difference. Nobel set up a foundation with $250 million dollars in funding. Every year the foundation would consult the leading experts in the world and hand out prizes to people who had made great contributions to humanity. There would be prizes for sciences, for literature, and for promoting peace.

Today the Nobel Prizes are probably the best known and most prestigious awards in the world. They have been awarded to great scientists, authors and activists and helped draw attention to many outstanding works and worthy causes.

Nobel set up his foundation in 1895: just in time to influence his own obituary. He died only a year later. The Nobel Prizes accomplished his wish; they created a very different legacy for him than a reputation as *The Merchant of Death.*

He is not remembered as an explosives inventor or arms dealer, but as one of the greatest philanthropists of all time. He is also a great example of how it is never too late to change your life and help make the world a better place.

That is the story of *Alfred Noble* and the legacy of *Noble Prizes*.


Assuming you happen to read *your Obituary* what would you like to read. Just take a moment and pen it down. What goals have u set in life for yourself and comparing the two sheets how well does your Obituary list match your goals list.
Am sure this would be quite hard hitting isn't it ?
The truth is all our life we keep running behind things that are just materialistic.
Unfortunately *people are used and things are being loved* the value of relationship the time we get to spend with loved ones is just not looked at.
Try to reflect and create an *obituary of your choice* not every one can be as lucky as *Alfred Noble*


Thursday, 24 June 2021

#SELF #EXAMINATION#happy#right track


Some stories shake you up. They are unsettling because you wonder — what if this story is about me?

This is one such story.

The local goons were causing a nuisance for a shopkeeper. They would spray-paint abusive and derogatory graffiti all over his store window.

So the shopkeeper hatched a plan. The next day, he waited until the goons finished their dirty work and then he paid them Rs 1000 to thank them for their effort. The following day, he thanked them again but only paid Rs 500 this time. He continued to pay them to deface his property but the amount kept decreasing. Soon they were getting only Rs 10.

They stopped coming. Why bother doing all that work to abuse the shopkeeper for so little money?

I found this story in the book *The Knowledge Illusion.* The author writes — This apocryphal (imaginary) tale is about what causes people to act and how you can modify their motivations, to make them think they're doing something for a different reason than they initially thought.

You could argue that the local goons initially had an intrinsic motivation for derogatory graffiti. The clever shopkeeper subtly replaced their intrinsic motivation with an extrinsic incentive — money. And when that external reward dwindled, the goons didn't have a reason to continue their work.

If you use graffiti as a metaphor for the so-called "passionate work," then it's important to ask ourselves — are we like the local goons who have been sold on ideas about how cool it is to spray-paint graffiti?

What if all my decisions were based on borrowed ideas about what work is worth doing?
And what if the definition — how to measure the worth — itself is an idea some clever shopkeeper implanted in my mind?
I think this story is a great reminder to reevaluate where we're spending our precious life hours.
Are we doing something which we chose to do or was it decided by some manipulative shopkeeper(s)?

Are there pockets of time in your life that are being spent doing paid (but meaningless) graffiti?

Socrates rightly observed "Watch where your hours are going because an unexamined life, is not worth living."


Wednesday, 23 June 2021


*All men can see these TACTICS which I conquer, but what no one can see is the strategy, from which the victory is evolved*.

I have no idea whether this is really part of a program at Stanford. But I liked the story.

Most Stanford students failed this challenge.
Here's what we can learn from their mistakes.

A class on entrepreneurship was going on, the professor walks into the room, breaks the class into different teams, and gives each team $5 in funding.
The goal is to make as much money as possible within 2 hours and then give a 3 minute presentation to the class about what you have achieved.
If you were a student in the class, what would you do?
Typical answers range from using the $5 to buy start-up materials for a makeshift car wash or lemonade stand, to buying a lottery ticket or betting the $5 on red at the roulette table.
But the teams that follow these typical paths tend to bring up the rear in the class.

The teams that make the most money don't use the $5 at all.

They realize the five dollars is a distracting, and essentially worthless, resource.

So they ignore it. Instead, they go back to first principles and start from scratch.
They reframe the problem more broadly as "What can we do to make money if we start with absolutely nothing?"
One particularly successful team ended up making reservations at popular local restaurants and then selling the reservation times to those who wanted to skip the wait.

These students generated an impressive few hundred dollars in just two hours.

But the team that made the most money approached the problem differently. They realized that both the $5 funding and the 2-hour period weren't the most valuable assets at their disposal.
Rather, the most valuable resource was the 3 minute presentation time they had in front of a captivated Stanford class.

They sold their 3 minute slot to a company interested in recruiting Stanford students and walked away with $650.

The $5 challenge illustrates the difference between TACTICS and STRATEGY.
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to different concepts.

A STRATEGY is a plan for achieving an objective. TACTICS, in contrast, are the actions you undertake to implement the strategy.

The Stanford students who bombed the $5 challenge fixated on a tactic—how to use the $5 and lost sight of the strategy.

If we focus too closely on the tactic, we become dependent on it.
*"Tactics without strategy,"* as Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War, "are the noise before defeat."

Just because a $5 bill is sitting in front of you doesn't mean it's the right tool for the job.

Tools, as Neil Gaiman reminds us, "can be the subtlest of traps." When we're blinded by tools, we stop seeing other possibilities in the peripheries.

It's only when you zoom out and determine the broader strategy that you can walk away from a flawed tactic.

What is the $5 tactic in your own life? How can you ignore it and find the 2-hour window?
Or even better, how do you find the most valuable three minutes in your arsenal?

Once you move from the "what" to the "why"—once you frame the problem broadly in terms of what you're trying to do instead of your favored solution—you'll discover other possibilities lurking in plain sight.

Find your why, develop the right strategy and stay blessed forever.


Wednesday, 16 June 2021


*Perfection is the enemy of the good.*

This is a an aphorism which is commonly attributed to Voltaire.

The idea is simple: if you keep looking for something that is perfect, you will end up rejecting what is good enough.
There is also the concept of the *Nirvana Fallacy,* which amounts to comparing perfect, unrealisable ideal situations to something that actually exists.

As the old saying goes, "Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without."
Trying to make something perfect can actually prevent us from making it just good.
Perfection in its elusive glory is like a unicorn. Sure, it sounds great, but who's actually seen one?
I'd rather ride a real horse than wait for an imagined unicorn.

Perfection can be a good thing: After all, that drive can push people to do great things. But it has a dark side, too. The challenge of "perfection" can intimidate people so they don't even try. If perfection is the goal, yet unattainable, what's the point?
So, if you can't achieve perfection, don't sweat it. Go for good instead. Gretchen Rubin described it this way:
"Instead of pushing yourself to an impossible 'perfect,' and therefore getting nowhere, accept 'good.' Many things worth doing are worth doing badly."

You're capable of amazing things. But unless you let go of the idea of perfection, you'll have a hard time achieving those amazing things.

The pursuit of perfection is noble, but unless we're willing to settle for "good," we may have to settle for nothing at all. It is better to strive for progress than perfection and stay blessed forever.



*𝖶𝗁𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗉𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌?*


Shweta covered a distance of 10 km in one hour.

Akash covered the same distance in one and a half hours.

Which of the two is faster and healthier?

Of course, your answer will be Shweta.

What if we say that Shweta covered this distance on a prepared track while Akash did it by walking on a sandy path?

Then our answer will be Akash.

But when we come to know that Shweta is 50 years old while Akash is 25 years old?

Then our answer will be Shweta again.

But we also come to know that Akash's weight is 140 kg while Shweta's weight is 65 kg.

Again our answer will be Akash

As we learn more about Akash and Shweta, our opinions and judgments about who is faster will change.


The reality of life is also similar. We form opinions very superficially and hastily, due to which we are not able to do justice to ourselves and others.

Opportunities vary.
Life is different.
Resources differ.
Problems change.
Solutions are different.

Therefore the excellence of life is not in *comparing* with anyone. Keep trying your best according to your circumstances.


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

#Tips for first date

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Saturday, 24 April 2021

#mahavirjayanti #jainism #jain #jaintemple #jaijinendra #mahavir #spreadjainism #mahavira #bhagwanmahavir #lordmahavir #holy #pledge #occasion #peace #lovebond #soulmate #happymahavirjayanti #apnijodi

The best way to observe such an auspicious occasion is to strive for peace, and strengthen the bonds of love between you and your soulmate. 
Happy Mahavir Jayanti!
#mahavirjayanti #jainism #jain #jaintemple #jaijinendra #mahavir #spreadjainism #mahavira #bhagwanmahavir  #lordmahavir #holy #pledge #occasion #peace #lovebond #soulmate #happymahavirjayanti #apnijodi

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Monday, 8 March 2021

*How do you talk to yourself?*

*How do you talk to yourself?*

Do you use the words "can't", "won't", "don't need to", "why try"?
Many people do.

Do you find that what you say to yourself turns out to be true?

Why is this?

You see your brain is like a computer that you feed each day. Itdoesn't know always know what's real or not unless you tell it.

Example: If someone you love has hurt you, you may tellyourself that all people who love you will probably hurt you too.

Your brain just files this information for reference, it's data,little zeroes and ones and no column that asks "true or not true?"Now your brain thinks, based on what you told it, that everyoneyou'll ever love will hurt you.

How do you think you will respond the next time you get hurt?


Now, what if we instead told our brain:

"Okay this person ripped my heart out - but that's only one person.I'm lovable and have many loving people in my life who are not outto hurt me. I know that the right people are coming into my life allthe time. If someone hurts me, I will forgive them and bless themon their way."

Words can be empowering.

I can
I love to
I want to
I will
I must
I am

We can reach a new level of living, if we feed ourselves empoweringwords and practice saying them until they become a habit.

I know first hand that it takes time.

And I also know that it's worth it.

Try it for a week.

Catch yourself saying, "I can't", when you don't really mean it and instead try, "I can", and see how you think and feel about yourself.

Remember, the words you use to empower yourselfwill have a lasting effect, only if you practice them and theybecome a habit (an acquired behavior pattern regularly followeduntil it has become almost involuntary).

Be proactive and not reactive - give yourself some goodwords.

Dream big and empower yourself! Believe you can and you will.



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Thursday, 4 March 2021


#love #lotsoflove #relationship #couple #wedding #marriage #horoscope #march #born #sympathetic #helpful #pointoftime #ready #jump #cause #pisces #aries #signs #enthusiastic #loving #nature #generosity #rooted #apnijodi

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Wednesday, 3 March 2021



Happiness to some is accumulating wealth, getting good job, getting their desires fulfilled, earning name and fame. However, only those who are content with their life and feel happy in others happiness have really understood what happiness really is.

The joy which one gets from outward pleasures are temporary. Real happiness can be enjoyed from within. When your thoughts are pure, when you don't worry about petty things, then alone, you could enjoy real happiness.

"Happiness" is the state of mind. One may be happy when their relative or friend earns a good name of fame. On the other hand, the same person may or may not feel happy when someone else gets a good name or fame.

Great people are those who feel happy when others are happy.



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Tuesday, 2 March 2021


Marriage in India is not just between two individuals, but between two families. Find a partner who is compatible, loving and understanding towards your family, at Apnijodi.
#love #loveoflife #relationship #couple #lotsoflove #wedding #marriage #partner #loving #family

Thursday, 25 February 2021

#perfect partner

Not having a special someone and feeling lonely can have a negative impact on one's mental health. Find yourself a perfect partner at Apnijodi.
#love #lotsoflove #loveoflife #relationship #couple #wedding #marriages #even #feel #snuggling #lifepartner #realize #special #someone #feeling #lonely #negative #impact #perfect #partner #apnijodi

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Wednesday, 24 February 2021

#True love

True love is hard to find but there is someone out there looking for a prefect soulmate just like you. Seek your true love at Apnijodi.
#love #lotsoflove #loveoflife #relationship #couple #wedding #marriage #truelove #hide #seek #game #lovers #hard #looking #lovequotes #couplegoals #mohobat #pyaar #perfect #soulmate #apnijodi

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Tuesday, 23 February 2021


After marriage, your soulmate always has your back in every decision you make and they help you boost your self-confidence. Find your perfect partner at Apnijodi.
#love #lotsoflove #loveoflife #pyaar #relationship #couple #wedding #marriage #boosts #confidence #married #personal #cheerleader #support #trust #soulmate #decision #self-confidence #perfect #partner #apnijodi

Monday, 15 February 2021

#Healthy #Marriage

A healthy marriage makes you a more stable and rational individual with an alert sense of mind. Find your soulmate who can keep you happy and down-to-earth, at apnijodi.
#love #lotsoflove #relationship #couple #wedding #marriage #individual #alert #consequences #action #irrational #immature #behavior #changes #become #wholesome #person #healthy #stable #rational #mind #soulmate #happy #downtoearth #partner #apnijodi

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Saturday, 13 February 2021


May you and your special someone be each other's Valentines every February for the rest of your lives. We wish you and all your loves ones a jubilant and loving Valentine's Day!
#love #lovequotes #loveoflife #lotsoflove #marriage #wedding #relationship #couple #Valentine #dayoflove #trust #passion #affection #cherish #special #February #lives #lovedonce #jubilant #loving #HappyValentinesDay #apnijodi

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Wednesday, 10 February 2021


*Your attitude matters in your life*

Yes! Attitude matters a lot.

Carrying the right attitude can have a magical impact on your life. It is only the God who knows what is written on the next page of your life. It comes in front of you once it is written. You have no eraser to erase nor you can cut and rewrite. So prepared to confront every situation that comes in your life.

As William Shakespeare says

*There is nothing either good or bad but thinking made it so. It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.*

We are in a world where people criticise more than appreciate. They try to find faults in each and every task you do. They laugh when you fall and they jealous when you grow. Many a times you fall just before the finishing line. That is when they celebrate. You feel broken, tired….like the pieces of glass shattered on the floor.

*So what is in our hands ????*


Your attitude towards these problems is your strength. It can not only the save you from the unwanted situations, but brings you out from the deep troubles. Positive attitude may not solve the problem but it can make a way to do so.

Right attitude at right time brings out the stronger shade of your personality.

It becomes easy for you to put forward your thoughts as you enforce the other person to listen to you. The way you speak, the words you use and your tone represent your attitude.

*Attitude plays an important role at your work place too.*

Work becomes easier if you have a positive attitude towards your profession.
Ask yourself if you are enjoying the work you are doing ?
Are you striving towards the goals of your company ?
Is your profession or salary is making your personal life better ?

Answers to these few questions will decide the attitude towards your job or profession.

*"Whatever happens, just keep smiling and lose yourself in Love"*

A smile on your face can put the opposite person into trouble, especially when they have tried to hurt you . They will get confused about their actions. Such an attitude will keep you at peace , without being affected. This smile will act as a shield.

*"Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality"*

The attitude comes from not what you wear but how you carry yourself and present yourself in front of others.

Swami Vivekananda's iconic speech in Chicago is still in our ears. His words will always inspire the youth. He didn't bother what he was wearing as it was different from what those people used to wear. His attitude came out rightly through his words and his personality.

*"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it"*.

Your attitude is what you own. You need not to look around and see how people are looking or solving the problems in their life. Wear your own attitude. You need not to borrow from others. Your life is your own. So be the master of your life. Walk with the right attitude and see how it works for you. You have to live for yourself , not for society.

*Remember what Zig Ziglar, the American author and motivational speaker said:*

*"It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude."*

There is lot to learn from this motivational speaker who always carried a positive attitude throughout the hurdles he faced in his life. His right attitude towards the life in the end gave him a success. He transformed his failures , loses and falls into the stairs to reach at the top. Failures are stepping stones to success.



Monday, 8 February 2021

#New #day new #week

A new day, a new week,

*Make a wish, at least you will know what your heart really wants.*

Remember, you are never given a wish without also given the power to make it come true.

Everything is created twice, first in your mind & then in the outside world.

Just as a builder first designs a building on paper before he starts to build it, you must create all that you desire in your minds eye.
If you do this, if you dream great dreams & good thoughts, forces which you never understood will be activated to bring you to your goals.

Make a wish, Dream great things, achieve them and stay blessed forever.



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Saturday, 6 February 2021

The 5 Fighting Words You Need to Drop from Your Relationships

*The 5 Fighting Words You Need to Drop from Your Relationship*

Arguing is a part of every healthy relationship. You and your partner won't agree 100 percent of the time, and sometimes one or both of you will say or do something that upsets the other. When this happens and you have a fair fight, you both voice your issues, listen to each other, talk, disagree, talk some more, and come away feeling closer.

But many of us don't fight like that; we fight dirty. There are certain fighting words and fighting phrases we see couples use repeatedly to get a rise out of each other—or to shut the other down:

*1. "Nothing"*
People who fight dirty often do it because they're actually afraid of fighting, or don't want to take ownership of a fight. Instead of coming out and telling you they're upset or angry, a partner may radiate negative energy that begs you to ask, "What's wrong?" That's when your partner says the first fighting word: "Nothing."

Since it's obvious that something is wrong, "nothing" really means, "Of course I'm upset, but I'm afraid of bringing up anything that may start a fight, so I'm going to provoke you into starting one for me."

_The next time your partner says, "Nothing," counter with, "That response is only going to get us into a fight. When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here to listen."_

*2. "Whatever"*
Let's imagine that your partner has just thrown out the first fighting word, "Nothing," and instead of countering with, "When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here to listen," you say, "I can tell something is wrong." That's when your partner drops the second fighting word: "Whatever."

"Whatever" can cut to your core—it's dismissive and minimizes your feelings and concerns.

_Next time your partner says, "Whatever," don't take the bait and escalate the fight—which is often what a passive-aggressive partner wants. Instead, calmly say, "When you say that to me, I feel like you're not interested in how I feel or what I have to say—and that makes me feel bad."_

"You're never on time." "I'm always cleaning up after you." "I always go to your work parties; you never go to mine."

"Always" and "never" are rarely factual. When you use phrases that include "always" or "never," you're telling a partner that they can't ever do something right and that you don't believe they can change. This leads your partner to feel resigned and not try.

Why should your partner help you clean when, "Please take out the trash," translates to them as, "I'd like it if you took out the trash, but I know you won't"? You can't expect your partner to adopt an "I'll-prove-you-wrong" attitude.

_Remove "always" and "never" from your relationship vocabulary. Instead, try "frequently" or "often," keep the focus on the present situation, and be specific: "It upset me when you were late today."_

*4. "You're just like your [father/mother/sister, etc.]"*
This is another example of something a passive-aggressive partner would say to bait you into starting the fight they'd like to have. Instead of, "I feel like you're nagging me," your partner will say, "You're just like your mother."

_Try to take a deep breath and simply respond, "It really upsets me when you compare me to my mother." Don't escalate—but let them know they've hurt you._

*5. "You're too sensitive"/"You take things too personally"*
"You're too sensitive" and "you take things too personally" imply that it's not OK for you be sensitive or feel slighted. These are fighting phrases, but they may also be cry-for-help phrases.

_Your partner may be trying to say—albeit in a very unhelpful way­—that they need to tell you something that may upset you but they're afraid of your reaction._



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Sunday, 31 January 2021


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Friday, 29 January 2021


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#Choose what you #fight for

*Choose What You Fight for*

I once met a very successful man and I asked him to share his secret with me.

He smiled and said to me.........

I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters.
I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me...

I stopped fighting over unnecessary issues with my spouse...

I stopped fighting for attention...

I stopped fighting to meet up with public expectation...

I left such fights for those who have nothing else to fight...

*"And I started fighting for my vision, my dreams, my ideas and my destiny. Then I started winning big".*

That was the day I gave up on small fights.
Some fights are not worth your time.

Fight to make your visions and dreams come alive!

Fight the good fight of faith!

Fight for your destiny not for your ego!

Entrepreneurs shouldn't have time for unnecessary fights!

Visionaries don't cluster their mind with nonsense bickering!

*Always ask, what is this fight adding to my destiny, my goal, my progress?*

Choose what you fight for this year,
Compliments in advance to all the game changers.



Wednesday, 20 January 2021


*How do you know you are rich?*

Amazing answer by Mr Awadhesh Singh, an ex student of IT-BHU (now IIT-BHU)

When I was doing my B Tech, there was a Professor Das Talukedar who used to teach us 'Mechanics'.

His lectures used to be very interesting since he had an interesting way to teach and explain the concepts.

One day, in the class, he asked the following questions,

1. What is ZERO?
2.What is INFINITY?
3. Can ZERO and INFINITY be same?

We all thought that we knew the answers and we replied as following,

ZERO means *nothing*
INFINITY means *a number greater than any countable number*
ZERO and INFINITY *are opposite and they can never be same*

He countered us by first talking about infinity and asked, 'How can there be any number which is greater than any countable number?'

We had no answers.

He then explained the concept of infinity in a very interesting way, which I remember even after more than 35 years.

He said that imagine that there is an illiterate shepherd who can count only upto 20.

Now, if the number of sheep he has less than 20 and you ask him how many sheep he has, he can tell you the precise number (like 3, 5 14 etc.). However, if the number is more than 20, he is likely to say "TOO MANY".

He then explained that in science infinity means 'too many' (and not uncountable) and in the same way zero means 'too few' (and not nothing)

As an example, he said that if we take the diameter of the Earth as compared to distance between Earth and Sun, the diameter of earth can be said to zero since it is too small.

However, when we compare the same diameter of earth with the size of a grain, diameter of earth can be said to be infinite.

Hence, he concluded that the same thing can be ZERO and INFINITE at the same time, depending on the context, or your matrix of comparison.

The relationship between richness and poverty is similar to the relationship between infinity and zero.

It all depends on the scale of comparison with your wants.

If your income is more than your wants, you are rich.
If your wants are more than your income, you are poor.



Sunday, 17 January 2021

Start #Influencing, Stop #Controlling

*Start Influencing, Stop Controlling*

Whenever we complain about someone not being our way,
we essentially imply that if we could control them, we could have guaranteed right results.

The truth is we cannot control anyone, but we can *influence* literally everyone.
*Control radiates dominance, influence radiates care.*

Do you live with or work with someone who uses control tactics to change you?????
Have you also met people who have inspired you to change, just by being who they are?

Let us accept that people will not be our way. Maybe they see nothing wrong with themselves, or they disagree with us, or they don't want to change. Exerting control or pressurizing people to change their habits or behaviors is never a solution.

If we do that, people repel us, leaving no chance for them to listen to us. Our sphere of control owing to position, seniority or role is limited. *But our sphere of influence through our personality is infinite.* When we consistently live the right way and when we consistently bless them instead of feeling irritated about them, our vibrations radiate to them. Our pure energy empowers and influences them to change.

Start connecting with people with acceptance and respect for who they are. Remind yourself daily – "I am a powerful being. People can be their way. I remain my way, the right way and influence them. Letting people be their way, I influence their habits and behaviors with my perfection and pure intention."

Look to control yourself and influence others. Bring your cheerful energy into every interaction. Listen to others, intuitively understand others, highlight their potential, give them a sense of purpose, guide them to achieve their goals. Being naturally motivated and wise, inspire everyone to bring out their best, appreciate and celebrate their success. Even if they fail to listen to you or fail to achieve, guide them and encourage them to try again. Lead by example. If someone is not your way, do not get disturbed. Empathize and influence them with your stability and unconditional acceptance.



Start #Influencing, Stop #Controlling*

*Start Influencing, Stop Controlling*

Whenever we complain about someone not being our way,
we essentially imply that if we could control them, we could have guaranteed right results.

The truth is we cannot control anyone, but we can *influence* literally everyone.
*Control radiates dominance, influence radiates care.*

Do you live with or work with someone who uses control tactics to change you?????
Have you also met people who have inspired you to change, just by being who they are?

Let us accept that people will not be our way. Maybe they see nothing wrong with themselves, or they disagree with us, or they don't want to change. Exerting control or pressurizing people to change their habits or behaviors is never a solution.

If we do that, people repel us, leaving no chance for them to listen to us. Our sphere of control owing to position, seniority or role is limited. *But our sphere of influence through our personality is infinite.* When we consistently live the right way and when we consistently bless them instead of feeling irritated about them, our vibrations radiate to them. Our pure energy empowers and influences them to change.

Start connecting with people with acceptance and respect for who they are. Remind yourself daily – "I am a powerful being. People can be their way. I remain my way, the right way and influence them. Letting people be their way, I influence their habits and behaviors with my perfection and pure intention."

Look to control yourself and influence others. Bring your cheerful energy into every interaction. Listen to others, intuitively understand others, highlight their potential, give them a sense of purpose, guide them to achieve their goals. Being naturally motivated and wise, inspire everyone to bring out their best, appreciate and celebrate their success. Even if they fail to listen to you or fail to achieve, guide them and encourage them to try again. Lead by example. If someone is not your way, do not get disturbed. Empathize and influence them with your stability and unconditional acceptance.



Tuesday, 12 January 2021

#undivided #attention

Being a good listener is a quality that is treasured by everyone. Make your partner feel important by giving them your undivided attention.  #etiquette #tips #loveoflife #love #lotsoflove #lovequotes #relationship #couple #wedding #marriage #engagement #listener #quality #beauty #attention #apnijodi

Friday, 8 January 2021

#lifepartner #loveoflife #lotsoflove #love #lovequotes #relationship #couple #marriage #wedding #instalove #together #forever #beautiful #beaches #special #goa #partner #apnijodi

Everyone dreams of a fairytale story like Raj and Simran's...and your dreams can true. Find a match as perfect as their's on apnijodi.

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Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Look your best when you meet your partner at apnijodi with the help of these fruitful grooming tips that will make your skin exquisite. #love #instalove #fashion #style #beauty #instalike #makeup #grooming #tipfortheday #apnijodi #wedding #groomingshop...

Monday, 4 January 2021

Nervous about making a good first impression? A compliment goes a long way. Learn the proprieties that can make you seem suave and charming when you meet your match at apnijodi #lovequotes #love #loveoflife #couple #couplegoals #together #lotsoflove #e...

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Friday, 1 January 2021

#Facts of #marriage #marriage #healthycouple #love  If 'marrriage' terrifies you because of the mere possibilty of an unhappy union then these copious keys will help you for a happy, thriving and flourishing marriage.

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