Tuesday, 28 September 2021

#Truth of #life

*Truth of life*
I had a dream and God appeared before me and asked me "What do you want?"

I requested him "Give me back what all that I have lost in my life."

"What are the things you have lost" asked God.

"I have lost a dear friend, more than a brother for me recently. I have lost so many precious things and I can't explain them so easily.

Over the period of time I lost my youth and became old.

I Lost my beauty and figure.

As I aged, I lost my health.

I can't say specifically since I have lost innumerable things. Please give me back all that I have lost."

God simply laughed.

"You lost your ignorance because of your education.
You lost your poverty because of your work.
You lost loneliness because of many relationships and friends.
Because of your good qualities you lost many enemies.
Like this there are so many things you have lost .
Should I tell you and make you count all those items too.
Shall I give you back all these and many more things you have lost too" asked God.

I understood the other side of losing things and the fact that why we lose some things and the need to lose them.

And then he explained to me,
"Nothing you love is lost.
Not really, Things , people .. they always go away , sooner or later.
You can't hold them, any more than you can hold moonlight .
But if they've touched you,
if they're inside you , then they're still yours .
The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart."

Keep your loved ones in your heart and they will stay forever, never to be lost.

God disappeared, my dream ended and my heart became light after realising this truth of life.


*CELEBRITY ASTROLOGER || TAROT READINGS || NUMEROLOGIST || VASTU || MATRIMONIALS ||* www.apnijodi.in www.sonaljainvedic.com

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021



What never comes from the good times, easy situations, convenient cakewalk projects?


What makes people look forward to the most ambitious/life-threatening projects, with a smile on their lips?


What makes people go for goals that are extremely difficult but certainly remarkable and 'worth it.


What gives maximum momentum when goals and means are out of sight and out of reach?


'Trust creates THRUST'. Without trust, life is difficult and slow. With trust, even the most arduous journey looks worth it.

Seth Godin writes, 'We trust people because they showed up when it wasn't convenient, because they told the truth when it was easier to lie and because they kept a promise when they could have gotten away with breaking it.'

We trust people when VALUES defeat greed.

We trust people for whom 'doing the RIGHT' is more important than 'doing what is convenient.

We trust people when we see, hear and experience their stories of COURAGE.

We trust people when they did what others believed was impossible.

We trust ourselves when we 'go on' instead of 'give up.

We trust ourselves when we are 'just'.

We trust ourselves when we give our 100% plus a little more.

We trust ourselves when we 'fight for the right' and not look the other way.

We trust ourselves when we consistently push the bar 'a little' higher.

We trust ourselves when we assume responsibility for our choices.

People trusting us and we trusting ourselves is equally important. Both are necessary. Both are boundless sources of strength.

Trust cannot be demanded. Trust cannot be bequeathed. Trust HAS TO BE earned.

Every tough time, every difficult project, every challenging situation, every bounce back, every person who needs help, is an opportunity to earn trust.

Go on and earn the trust of someone you deeply care about.

Go on and earn the trust of the relationship you want to develop.

Go on and earn your own trust without which you are a spiritual orphan.

Big Resource + No Trust ------- Starts rich, lives poor.

Big Resource + Full Trust ------- Starts rich, lives rich, becomes richer.

No Resource + Full Trust ------ Starts poor, becomes rich, lives richer.

So, no matter where you start with resources, you must live with full trust, always.

I have learned to look at life through lenses that reads, 'Yet another opportunity to build trust'. After all, true wealth is the 'trust' people 'rightly' have in me.

That is the ultimate test of a life well-lived.
And yes, whatever happens, please never break anyone's trust.

Whatever you will get in return, will not be worth it. Do you agree with me?

Change your thoughts. Change your life


*CELEBRITY ASTROLOGER || TAROT READINGS || NUMEROLOGIST || VASTU || MATRIMONIALS ||* www.apnijodi.in www.sonaljainvedic.com

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Friday, 3 September 2021



Paryushan is a time for self-analysis and soul searching. Paryushan provides a break from routine life and allows us to reflect and contemplate on our past conduct, in the light of the teachings of Jainism and make a determination to lead a spiritually cleaner life in the future.


*CELEBRITY ASTROLOGER || TAROT READINGS || NUMEROLOGIST || VASTU || MATRIMONIALS ||* www.apnijodi.in www.sonaljainvedic.com