Friday, 8 November 2019

*Whose #Reality Are You Living In?*

*Whose Reality Are You Living In?*

"One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged.
Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."
--- Lucille Ball

Imagine two people take a ride in a balloon.

One of them is terrified of heights. The other isn't.

The one who isn't will enjoy the magnificent view, feel the warm wind on his face and simply love the ride. The person terrified of heights will probably squat on the floor, thinking "Oh my God! Oh my God! This thing is gonna crash and burn! We're all gonna die! Aaaaaaaaa!!!"

Objectively, they went through exactly the same experience. Yet one person had the time of their life, while the other would be better off having their chest hair depilated (and trust me, that HURTS). The difference was in their VIEW of the reality.

Your view of the world is crucially important for your well-being. Yet many people let others decide their reality for them be it friends, relatives, TV, or the newspaper.

You decide your reality depending on your thoughts and conviction.