Sunday 14 June 2020


I have heard: a man went to the river to end his life. A Sufi fakir was sitting on the riverbank and he asked, "What are you doing?"

The man was just about to jump in. He said, "Don't stop me. It's too much! This life is nothing, everything is meaningless. I never got anything I wanted, I always got what I wanted to avoid. God is against me, so why should I continue this life?"

The fakir said, "Wait, stay one more day – then you can die. What's the rush? You say you don't have anything?"

The man replied, "Nothing at all. If I had anything, why would I come to take my life?"

The fakir said, "Come with me. The king of this place is my friend." The fakir took him to the king and he whispered something in the king's ear. The king said, "I can offer you a million rupees." The man heard only this, he couldn't hear what the fakir had whispered. The king said, "I can give you a million rupees."

The fakir went to the man and whispered in his ear, "The king is ready to buy both your eyes for a million rupees: will you sell them?"

The man said, "What do you mean? I? Sell my eyes! For a million rupees! Even if he offers ten million I am not going to part with them."

The fakir again consulted the king, and then he said, "Okay, he can give you eleven million." The man said, "Drop the whole idea. I am not doing this kind of business. Why should I sell my eyes?"

The fakir asked, "Will you sell your ears? How about your nose? The king is ready to purchase any part of your body, and at whatever price you ask."

The man said, "No. I won't participate in this business. Why should I sell anything?"

The fakir said, "Look, you are not ready to sell your eyes even for eleven million rupees, and last night you were going to kill yourself. You said you didn't have a thing."

We cannot see what we have. Just think about these eyes. What a miracle! The eye is made from skin, it is a part of the skin, but the eye can see. How crystal clear it is! The impossible has become possible. These ears can hear music, the sweet songs of birds, the murmuring of breezes, the roar of the ocean. These ears are made from skin and bones. Look at this miracle.

You are! This is such a great miracle. Can you imagine a greater miracle? In this body of flesh, bones and blood the lamp of consciousness is burning. Just assess the value of this lamp of consciousness.

No, you have no eyes for it. You say you need a job paying a hundred rupees, but you get one at ninety rupees and you are ready to commit suicide. Or you wanted to have a big house but you got a small one and it seems life has no meaning. Or you go bankrupt, your bank account empties,and you say "Why go on living?" Or you loved a woman and couldn't get her, or loved a man and couldn't get him. Now you want to die.

The more you desire, the more unhappy you are. The more you see how much you receive without desiring, the more indescribable gifts will shower on you, uncaused. What do you deserve? What have you done to deserve the life you have been given? What have you done that you can dance in the sun's rays for a moment or talk with the moon and stars? On what basis? What claim can you make?

On what basis do you claim the right to touch gentle breezes, and to sing sweetly, to be bubbling with joy, or to be able to meditate? What have you done for these gifts? All this has come to you – pure grace – and still you are miserable. Still you are complaining, still you are sad. Certainly this disease of the ego is consuming us. Everyone is infected with it.