Friday, 13 March 2020


*Thank you corona virus,*

Dear Corona,

While most of the world is petrified by your presence and chaotic about the impact you can bring in the world, I thought of writing to you about what I am grateful to you for.

1. *You are beautiful. fragile and yet powerful.*
When I saw your picture, I realised the power a simple, beautiful structure can hold that it can move the entire world.

You reminded us of the power a beautiful, simple body can hold and now that can used it wisely.

2. *The Relevance of a PAUSE.*
As you worked your numbers around the world, the leaders and organisations had to PAUSE and restructure their functioning.

We as a human race needed to do it anyways. You worked as a reminder.

We now pause and reflect on our values, our science and progress and have an opportunity to redirect them.

3. *Back to BASICS* You reminded us of The Significance of hygiene. As much as we all knew about washing hands and coughing correctly, we had started taking it for granted.

Thanks to you, we have started paying attention to the smaller details and the steps involved. We are grateful to our body and it's immunity.

4. *We are United*
Amongst all this chaos, we realise that our human race stands united. We are dealing with this pandemic with so much more integrity and unity. We are helping each other curb this problem without causing conflicts or panic. Something as big as closing borders and trades is being handled with grace and precaution.

5. *The Economy Balance*
We remind ourself that as human beings, all areas of our lives are interconnected and get affected equally. In this economy drop, a lot of imbalances will settle and as we are given a chance to work on our financial mind prints we shall rebuild ourselves and our finances once again to a new level of prosperity.

6. *The Gift of Time*
This is one of the most priceless gifts we received from you. Even if most of us did not realise, the sudden cancellations of conferences, travelling plans and schools shutting down, gave us so many extra hours with each other.

We now can spend those little moments knowing our family members a little more, playing board games, picking up the paint brush or reading a book.

In stead of googling the latest panic news about you, we could use this time to reflect and redirect our life and what's important to us.

7. *The Choice of Thoughts and Words*
Times like these, we are tempted to give in to the chaos. We (unknowingly) become the broadcasters of fear and panic. The last few weeks gave us an opportunity to discern the real from unreal news. It also helped us to choose our thoughts and words wisely and not give in to the fake power of panic.

*I end this letter by once more expressing my gratitude and love to you for the lessons you brought to our human race.* 

*It was time we woke up.* 

*We have taken the necessary steps of precautions at individual, organisational and country levels and we stand united even as we have shut down our borders.*

*We shall rise from this situation with much more awareness and learning.*

*We learn our lessons in kindness, compassion, unity and strength.*

*We realise that real power is in Love and Oneness and not in fear and separation.*

*Thank you so much dear Corona, for bringing us to this realisation and awareness that we needed as a human race.*

*As we now rebuild ourselves in a new paradigm, we believe that you shall leave us with clues on how to handle you more efficiently and vehemently*.

*Thank you for driving us to the lessons we needed to learn*

*We send love and healing to all affected and families of those who have irreparable losses*

*Lovingly Yours*