Friday, 15 May 2020

#Time to #think #coronavirus

*Will you pay your maids, drivers and househelps if they are unable to come to work from their home?* Time to think.

Many of us who have tech and tech related jobs find it fairly convenient to exercise the choice and the right to work from home. The work gets done. Productivity is higher. You are available online. All of that. And so you get paid for your labour.

And just as you do get paid, think of those who may not be able to deliver their usual work because their jobs are different. If you employee people in unskilled jobs, would you offer them the same courtesy that you expect from your employers?

I know the answer is not easy. But these are not easy times either.

It may take a month, it may take more for the coronovirus crisis to get over. The people most affected would be the ones who are in unorganised sector jobs. All of a sudden you will not need a driver because you are grounded home. The maid will not show up for work because her children are at home and her husband does not have his daily work. The person who works in a roadside eatery has nobody to serve and thus is not needed. Labourers are likely get laid off for no fault of theirs. Poor children will miss their school midday meal. Probably their only good meal of the day.

During a period like this, it is the weakest who suffer the most. If they don't get their daily wage, they won't have enough savings or find money or the credit to put bread on the table. And God forbid if they do catch the virus, they will not have the same level of care and comfort that you and I are so fortunate to have.

Yes we will survive this. Emotionally, financially, socially. Question is will they?

The best of humanity shines through during worst of the times. It is at this time we must all think of those who are dependent on our incomes for their daily livelihood. If you continue to get paid, please pay them too. Whether they are able to work or not. It isn't about whether this is fair, it is about what is the right thing to do in times like these.

This crisis was not of their making. Do not punish them if they aren't able to do what they need to do during this challenging time. They will only be grateful.

Today is the time for us all to commit to stand up for each other and give everyone the confidence that you will be there for them during this tough time. Just as they are for you. Every single day.

God bless!

PS: I would love if you are able to share this. Who knows you may save someone their daily bread.