Monday, 27 April 2015

Fourth Chakra – Heart

Fourth Chakra – Heart

The fourth chakra is the centre of love, compassion and forgiveness in the body’s energy system. When the heart chakra is blocked we are unable to love ourselves and the others.

In the physical aspect, people usually suffer from poor circulation, in emotional level we lack empathy, and we lack devotion in the spiritual aspect. The fourth chakra is the centre of the issues of love, grief, hatred, anger, jealousy, fears of betrayal, loneliness, and the ability to heal ourselves and the others.

Hawthorn berries added to tea or tincture increase your trust in life and encourage ourself to follow our heart and feel safe doing it. In physical aspect, it strengthens heart and blood vessels. Use cayenne, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, rose, basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley to improve the health of your heart.