Wednesday 29 April 2015

Sixth Chakra – Third eye

Sixth Chakra – Third eye

“The third eye” is connected with the pineal gland and your intuition. When it is blocked, we lack in imagination and intuition, which results in poor decision making and self-deception. In physcal aspect, we struggle with eye/ear problems, headache, migraine, insomnia, and nightmares.

Use mint, jasmine and eyebright to open your sixth chakra. Eyebright helps you see the dark and light side as part of the whole, and it is often used in the treatment of eye problems. Mint cures depression, migraines, and memory loss. It strengthens the connection between mind and body. Energize and heal your imbalances using juniper, mugwort, poppy, rosemary, lavender, and poppy seed.